Leo Chan ” The Kite Professor ” December Rider of the Month

Leo Chan Rider of the Month Dec 2013In 2008, he took the bit and never looked back. What started off as a side sport in between windy months on the water became his main sport. He

Leo’s first experience with kiteboarding was in 2001, when one of his best friend from France asked him to give him a ride so he could do a 6-mile down-winder. Back in the days, down-winder was probably the most fun you can have with a kite. Unimpressed, he started windsurfing instead. As his windsurfing skills improves, so did the safety and functions of kiteboarding.loves to kite on snow and travels around the world to kite on water often. In 2011, while kiting in Vietnam, he tried a new brand of kite, Adi Kites (www.adikites.com).Leo2 After just one try, he knew he found his new favorite kites. He decided to bring the kites to the US to share his stokes he has for the sport. His full time job is a professor at a state university. Given the flexibility he has with his job, he rides pretty much whenever there is wind. In the winter months, you can find him on the mountains in the Rockies. In the summer months, he travels to East Coast and Asia for wave actions and product testing. If you want to travel to Asia and want to know where is the best place kite. Or you want to try out Adi Kites in the US, give him a call: 801-960-8135

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