Charlie Vogel December 2015 Rider of the Month


Charlie Vogel is 22 year old that loves anything involving high speeds, big air, and being on the water. He was a former windsurfer who took a kite lesson in Florida around 2012 and never shook the bug.





















Charlie has been chasing wind since. He has kited inland lakes in Wisconsin to Caribbean oceans to Utah where he lives now. His home base is Park City. “Park City is like being in the heart of it all. I can ski, bike, rock-climb, and most importantly kite : ) All in one day within an hour. Charlie has an itch for almost any action sport, but kiteboarding and snowkiting take the cake he says. Back in Wisconsin, He’d ride Lake Michigan 8 months out of the year in waters as cold as 38 degrees. “If the water and air temps added up to 90, and the breeze was on, we were out there!”.



Any day there is a chance for wind, you can find him at the local spots in Utah. Utah Lake is his favorite place to ride. He says, “out of all the places I’ve been, We have a hidden gem not even an hour away for world class kiting and steady breeze”.


When Charlie isn’t kiting, He is at flight school working towards flying Corporate aircraft one day. “I love to fly on and off the water” Charlie says. “It is these places I forget about the day to day stresses, and live for the moment”. If any of you have questions or ever keen to ride, send Charlie an email at cwv0920@westminstercollege or link up with him on Facebook.