Andrew started kiting in 2007 on a trip to Cabarete, Dominican Republic. Andrew took lessons from a Domican named Xavier who worked at Laurel Eastman Kiteboarding. Andrew was able to learn the basics and catch a taste of the unique feeling that kiteboarding gives you. After returning from the DR, Andrew left on a 2 year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Andrew was able to serve in the Netherlands and Beligum and learned Dutch. Although he wasn’t able to kite on his mission, Andrew was able to watch kiters throughout the country and it kept him excited to get back into the sport when He arrived home.
After returning home to Utah, Andrew picked kiting back up by meeting up with the kiteboarding legend, Jake Buzianis. He sold me my first kite, a Best Taboo 12m. Andrew began collecting gear and by the spring of 2010 Andrew had enough to go out and start kiting. It was just like riding a bike and all the techniques and memories from my time in Cabarete came flooding back.
After many trips to Rush lake in Utah, many “walks of shame” and much help from all the kind locals, Andrew was able to finally kite upwind and became an addicted member of the Utah kiting committee. My mentors in kiting include the entire local Utah crew. Nothing beats a summer evening session at South Sandy Beach Utah Lake (SSB)
with all the boys. Andrew love bringing others into the fold of Utah kiting and welcoming all the new kiters to the beach. My good friend and coworker Kasey Lords has picked up kiting from taking lessons in Hawaii and returning to Utah to learn what light wind mountain kiting is all about. He caught on quick and is now a proficient Utah kiter.
My wife, Jessica and I took a trip to South Padre Island, Texas in 2015 where she was able to take lessons and reallycaught the bug. We are looking forward to her progression and a 2 week trip to Maui in May 2016.
Living and kiting in Utah means that we are able to enjoy year round kiting with often times the water and snow seasons overlapping. In 2014, he was able to catch a double whammy session by snowkiting at Strawberry Reservoir in the morning and also kiteboarding at Utah Lake in the afternoon. Snowkiting and kiteboarding are so similar yet so different and offer such a varied style and technique. Recently in snowkiting he has learned how to glide and by watching legends like Jake Buzianis and have seen that the limits of snowkiting are endless. He is humbled by all the great kiters in Utah. On the water Andrew has begun riding strapless surf. Andrew love’s the freedom and challenge it is to ride the swellat Utah lake on a surfboard and look forward to honing my wave riding skills at the 2016 Kite Expo at Pismo, CA in April 2016. It will be a great warmup for Maui! As for gear, Andrew have ridden Best kites ever since he learned in Cabareteand Jake hooked me up with that Taboo. He has a quiver of 2014 Best TS kites in almost every size and ride an Axis Limited twin tip and Slingshot Screamer & Trex.
Among other things Andrew a owner of Ask him about his February Special im sure he will hook you up with a great rack!
(801) 541-9339
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Andrew has since returned to Cabarete and enjoyed kiting the same beaches where he learned so many years ago. Andrew was able to meet up with my old teacher, Xavier and share a few sessions with him. He has also kited in St. Maarten, South Padre Island, Sherman Island and the Gorge. However, my favorite kite spot in the entire world remains South Sandy Beach at Utah Lake. The hairdryer smooth summer winds and shallow warm water makes it an amazing spot
for kiting. However the real reason it is such a great spot is because of the great people I get to share it with.