Ricker Goldsborough April Rider of the Month 2016

Ricker1To fly is the ultimate rush.  Feeling the wind on your face, the power of a kite and the  push of adrenaline through your veins is surreal and Ricker Goldsborough experiences it all.  What he will do to have not hours of this addiction, but sometimes only seconds, can only be described as passion.


Meet Ricker, from previous competition hang-glider pilot to present day kite-surfer, he will tell you himself the journey has been epic.  From the US to Australia, to Equador and back to the US, the stories are plentiful but the moments never enough. Ricker recently met Peter Miller while snow kiting in Utah.  He speaks highly of Miller and explained the snow kiting experience as a cross between hang gliding, paragliding and kite boarding.


“I’m all in if it helps someone else” is a quote from Ricker and would explain the non profit organization that he founded during his hang gliding years.  The Cloudbase Foundation was a way to give back and helped disadvantaged children world-wide.


Ricker currently lives in Louisiana and kites where the warm gulf waters lap at the white sandy beaches and the breezes are sometimes hellacious especially if a hurricane is on the way.  But, if the winds are manageable and the water rideable, he will be there.


Ricker is a shop rider for Slingshot through Gulfport Board Sports but his board of choice today is the CrazyFly Raptor Pro LTD.  Of course that may change tomorrow as he is always up for trying out a new product.  But one thing that has remained is his quiver of Slingshot kites.  He absolutely raves about them.

Ricker tells everyone “come on down to Louisiana and stay awhile.  The beer is cold and the crawfish spicy, just like we like it.”


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