Sabrina Krasnov August 2020 Rider of the Month

Sabrina Krasnov was born on May 1, 2008. Her father taught her to ski at the age of two, there are many ski resorts she had been to including Snowbird, Brighton, Alta, Deer Valley, Jackson Hole, Grand Targhee, and Solitude.

She began fishing with her family at lakes and reservoirs in Utah, her father eventually bought a Sea-Doo where they enjoyed towing each other around on a tube. Later he sold the Sea-Doo and purchased a boat, and shortly after her father picked up kiteboarding. Sabrina began practicing wakeboarding on her father’s kite boards behind their boat. She also started practicing flying her father’s trainer kite.  Eventually her father began giving her kite lessons by standing next to her in shallow water while she flew the kite.  Afterwards she took a road trip with her father to Hood River, Oregon. While in Oregon she took a brief kiteboarding lesson from her father. The following year (2019, at this time she was 11 years old) she went back to Hood river with her whole family and got her first rides in on the kite board. That winter she learned to snow kite at strawberry reservoir, and skyline.  The next summer (2020) she started doing down winders from their boat, it took many trips to Deer Creek, but she eventually started kiting back and forth across the lake. Her future plans are to continue practicing kiting until she can do it like a pro.



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