Debbie Jackson “The Kite Grand Ma” November Rider of the Month 2013

November Rider of the Month 2013

November Rider of the Month 2013

  When Debbi Jackson wants to go kiting.. DO NOT get in her way! Like the other day, when she heard that an Oct. cold front had stalled 4 hours north of her home in Hobe Sound Fl. and the wind was blowing 30 mph. It only took seconds for her to analyze the situation and say, “Pack the car!” And a later post on FB “If the fronts won’t come to us we’ll go to the fronts”. Traveling all over Florida and to places like Utah, Nebraska, and California,
Debbi brings with her an enthusiasm and passion for the sport of kiteboarding that is hard to hide, and with her trade mark  long blonde hair, dark tan, and smooth riding style most spectators will tell you that she’s hard to miss. One of the things Debbi enjoys about traveling to kite is meeting new kiters, and making new friends. “It’s fun to pull up to a spot that you haven’t been to in a while and be greeted by riders like you’re one of the gang”. Many people who have taken lessons with Cloud Nine Kiteboarding owned by Debbi and her “soul mate” husband Shaun, have commented that watching Debbi had inspired them to take the leap into the sport.
November Rider of the Month 2013

November Rider of the Month 2013

Debbi rides waves with a strapless Totora Wave Skate, and in flat water or boosting sky high she’s still loving her Best 121 Drive, and can’t say enough good things about her 11.5 and 7.5 Kahoonas from Best Kiteboarding. Last year Debbi made some new friends at Skyline Drive, her first attempt at snow kiting. Though the winds were light she is already looking forward to returning, Debbie might be a grand ma but certainly does not act like one!
She is based out of Hobe Sound Florida so when your in her neck of the woods say hello!

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