That’s Right we are going back to Hawaii
Jhon Began Riding: 13 years ago , back in Santa Barbara CA. while attending college
Currently lives: Waiehu, Maui HI.
A little bit about John he’s 30 years old, and John has been traveling around the US and Mexico Kiteboarding. He went to a tech school in Florida and learned to work on Heavy equipment which opened up many doors. John use to travel all over the west coast of the US working in the heavy equipment field. 

Then on a trip down to Baja, Mexico he met his fiance soon to be Wife DeeDee (Deidra Lewis) that was almost 4 years ago. They traveled around for a few years and then decided to make a move to the famous Island of Maui where the wind is most likely always blowing some where on island.
Living In Hawaii is so awesome, sometimes you need to get off the island to realizes how lucky you are. Which leads us to one of the biggest and best things we ever did…. We recently just bought a house out here walking distance to a low key kite spot. We couldn’t be happier with our choice and with that said were getting married in a few months then I’m sure the babies will come.
John use to be one of those
“Kite Bums” bouncing around form place to place, living in trucks and campers not knowing where I’d be in a week let alone a year. Don’t get me wrong John loved it and totally enjoyed it, but at some point in life you have to think about the future.

Kiteboarding has been a big part of John’s life and he does not know where he would today with out it. John has met a lot of very talented and professional people and have made a lot of good friends that are still to this day some of my best friends.
So if you are ever in Johns neck of the wood look him up at