Kurt “The Kite Doctor” Hoffman December 2017 Rider of the Month


“(Kiting) There’s nothing like it!! Having total control, harnessing the power of the wind to sail across the water for endless hours of the adrenaline rush… drop in, carve down the face of any wave… then launch yourself over 30 meters high and soar 30-60 meters across the sky… touch back down on the open sea and do it all over again. Your heart races… your lungs inhale the clean ocean breeze… endorphins charging through your body creating a natural high… your whole being screams, ‘I’m Alive!!!’” exclaims Kurt.


In the beginning, being a newbie kiter was not easy, making progress was slow, figuring out the old C kites had little to no ability to depower, and there was no one to learn from. Luckily for all of us, things have changed for the better. Trained and experienced kitesurfing instruction is available, from Kurt Hoffman, The Kite Doctor.


His Addiction began on Oahu in 2001 learning how to kite with a 12m Wipika kite and “Harness The Winds Power.” Kurt was instantly hooked on kitesurfing. He began repairing kites with a kiter friend in 2005 to help others with kite problems, hence his tag lines: “You Rip It, I Fix It!” and “Stop Cryin’… I’ll Get You Flyin’”. His obsession lead him to get PASA certified in 2005, and he’s been training others about the wind and how to kitesurf/kiteboard since then. Even developing his own trademarked TKD Tips, ranging from weather conditions to body positions. “I want everyone to experience the stoke this sport gives back to each individual. But don’t take my word for it, come learn and feel it for yourself- Recharge Your Body!” You can find Kurt with a big smile teaching new and intermediate kiters on Delray Beach, FL whenever the wind is up. Also check out his Rash Guard Shirts, Sun Protective Gear, & Kite Art soon to be on his website.


For lessons contact Kurt at www.TheKiteDoctor.com, start learning safely or get a gift certificate for yourself or a lucky friend or family member. 3-6 hours of lessons will save you months, even years of mistakes, bad habits, and injuries to you or someone else. So you too can say, “When it’s Blowin’, I’m Goin’” or “When life blows, Go Kiting!”

Winter USA